What is Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)?
The Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a holistic mind-body approach to help stress related conditions. NET uses a process known as manual muscle testing to identify “negative emotional complexes” (NEC) that are being stored in the body, and helps release or resolve them.
The painless and simple test is usually performed on the arm; most people are astonished when they experience weakness in their arm when asked a simple question or two. This muscle test can be thought of as a biofeedback loop that helps you pay attention to and realize what you’re feeling. In addition, body reflex points and other physiological reactions are recorded to pinpoint and confirm the connections and existence of:
Stuck emotions
Negative emotions
Stuck memory loops and stress patterns
Lingering emotional charges
Memory pictures of unresolved events (real or imagined)
Benefits of Neuro Emotional Technique
NET treatment often has life changing results for chronic sufferers of:
Neck pain
Back pain
General body pain
Chronic pain
Physical trauma
Organ dysfunctions
Digestive problems
Hormonal and Endocrine Imbalances
A Mind-Body-Stress Reduction Technique
For more information check out this documentary: